The State newspaper in Columbia,SC reported on the third year in a row motorcycle deaths have topped 100 in the state. Inexperience with driving motorcycles and lack of proper safety equipment was cited as substantial contributing factors, stating:
South Carolina has no mandatory helmet law for bikers 21 and over, and 78 percent of the 120 motorcycle riders killed in South Carolina last year weren’t wearing head protection.
As an attorney, the majority of motorcycle cases I have handled were significant in the extent of injuries, permanent scarring and disfigurement to my clients. As most seasoned motorcyclists will tell you, its not their driving that worries them, it is the negligent driving of others.
Any time you participate in something that you find enjoyment but shares a large amount of risk, understanding and insuring yourself against those risks will go along way in helping you and those that love you, get through a hard time. Make sure you have "Full Coverage", Life Insurance for your family, and Comprehensive or Collision for the bike you have invested so much in. Join a motorcycle club or group specific to your wants and desires then lobby your way to the Statehouse to get what you want.