I have been trying to find motivation after returning from my first full week of vacation without any contact with the office to offer some great epiphany or advice. Instead I simply return with a clear head and a fresh start, which is good enough for me.
However, I did come across an article in my Google Reader by Leo Babauta, author of Zen Habits entitled "The Single Secret of Making 2009 Your Best Year Ever". In this article Mr. Babauta states:
So what’s that single secret, the one thing that will not only make 2009 your best year ever, but put personal development and self-help bloggers and authors out of business?
Are you sure you’re ready to hear it………
Stop waiting for happiness. Happiness is right here, right now.
As a cancer survivor of 14 years you would think I could keep that one simple mantra ingrained in my head, yet, like all of you, I continue to chase after the proverbial carrot. I spent this past week with good company on beautiful islands in the Eastern Caribbean imagining what it would be like to live on a small sail boat and sail around from island to island. However, I came to these conclusions:
- Work Ethic- I would get bored in a week because I was starting to crave work by the end of our 7 day cruise.
- Passion- When you finally find what you enjoy doing it still remains work but a much more satisfying endeavor.
- Civic Duty-We all share this earth and the benefits of what the Lord has provided us and we can never truly receive until we are able to give.
I leave you with this wonderful quote and a map of my visits:
"A good tree cannot bear worthless fruit, neither can a rotten tree produce fine fruit. Every tree not producing fine fruit gets cut down and thrown into the fire. Really, then, by their fruits you will recognize those men." (Matt 7:18 to 20).