I am NOT an avid, amateur, or competitive runner. I do not read Runner’s World on a regular basis. However, I do like to get out there on a beautiful day and exert some energy, get rid of some stress, and challenge my body to stay healthy.
Recently I have enjoyed getting back out on the streets and trying to increase my stamina. My left knee still gives me some grief but I enjoy the pain and struggle that running provides. I am the type of runner that enjoys running in the South’s 90+ degree weather and torturing my body. Sure there are the health nuts that think that is not healthy but neither is binge drinking/smoking/excessive eating/ tomfoolery so let me pick my own poison.
I enjoy physically participating in the real life challenge of getting over the next obstacle in front of me. In Greenville, it is not that difficult to find hilly terrain to have a challenging jog. Lately, I have struggled with the hill coming from North Church Street, headed South towards the intersection of S. Church Street and University Ridge. It wouldn’t be so bad if it wasn’t the last leg of my run.
That hill has taught me some things:
- If I dread doing it, I’m not going to push myself to complete it;
- If I stop before I get to the top, I lose the discipline to start back up and finish the task I set out to perform;
- If I look too far ahead because of the distance that lies before me, I lose hope in my struggle and often times fail to complete it;
- If I put my head down and focus on one step at a time it’s a lot easier; and
- When I do blow past the top and turn the corner towards home, I feel like I can conquer the world!
A little "Eye of the Tiger" Rocky style to help those on Friday run out of their offices.