If this is your first time reading my blog, you may not know how I feel about Allstate Insurance Company-
I personally think they are the worst automobile insurance company anyone could possible have, period.
Many articles and posts have been written about the company I commonly refer to as "Allsnake":
- For an in depth read into how Allstate rigs the system against you read, "Storm of Money: Insider Tells How Some Insurance Companies Rig the System" ;
- Google "Allstate sucks" and you will find this website www.allstateinsurancesucks.com;
- "Allstate Insurance Settles Colossus Claims" – an 18 month investigation into their handling of automobile claims lead to a $10 million dollar settlement.
Don’t get upset-get even. However, you need to know what you are up against and be willing to fight them to change this horrible disparity. We are here to help even the playing field. Call us today at 864-231-7171 or visit our website.
A skit I put together based on my dealings with Allstate: