Many of us remember the “Just Say No” Campaign in an effort to fight the war on drugs. Green shirts were promoted among children with the popular saying to try and thwart our small minds from saying “Yes” to experimental drugs. In the name of public policy a governmental agency created a slogan, provided t-shirts to poor children and pushed their agenda through the public education system keeping many from being able to enjoy the high of quality street drugs.
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Colossus Saves Allstate Billions in Handling Automobile Accident Claims: So What’s $10 Million?
By Trey Mills on
Posted in Automobile Insurance
Allstate, the evil empire, is the worst insurance company anyone could have for automobile insurance coverage. They are even worse when you are injured or harmed by one of their negligent insureds traveling on the roadways in South Carolina. They have spent good money on formulating software that helps minimize the human interaction in…