They say imitation is the best form of flattery. As I watched the morning news at my home in Greenville, #yeahthatGreenville, I always like to compare my fellow lawyers’ commercials against our own. Yet this time, I thought I was actually watching our commercial and found myself doing double takes.
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When Do I Hire an Attorney vs. Handling It Myself?
Through various avenues and referral sources, I often times get some interesting questions about “potential” cases. Lately, I have been looking over my shoulder for the hidden camera or wondering which one of my friends in playing a joke on me. I’m not sure it’s a result of our litigous nature, the dying art of customer service, or people just dont have time to properly deal with issues that arise.
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Tort Reform Results: Higher Insurance Profits, Lower Patient Safety Initiatives & Higher Med Mal Premiums for Doctors
A recent Forbes article written by Steve Cohen entitled, “On Tort Reform, It’s Time to Declare Victory and Withdraw“, debunks the myths set forth many years ago when the catchy phrased initiative first started. Given the many states that have passed those “reforms”, aka insurance company dream goals to make more money, quantitative information is available to actually measure results. Since many of you went along hook line and sinker, let’s see what you have done to yourselves. Drum roll please….
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What I Learned from a Drunk Juror at the Esso Club in Clemson
The Clemson football team had the NC State game handled by halftime so my wife and friends convinced me that a walk to the Esso on this beautiful afternoon was a good idea. Trying to enjoy the time my wife and I have together with her out of nurse anesthetist school now and no kids…
Don’t Listen to Insurance Adjusters or Friends When It Comes to Legal Advice
You have just been involved in a traumatic incident of some kind and now your world is turned upside down. You never planned on being:
- injured;
- unable to work;
- permanently disfigured;
- without an avenue for medical treatment;
- no knowledge on how to get out of the hole someone, something, or some event has put
Do I Need A Doctor, Lawyer, or Preacher?: Part 2-People
Lawyers : As defined by Bureau of Labor Statistics:
Lawyers, also called attorneys, act as both advocates and advisors in our society. As advocates, they represent one of the parties in criminal and civil trials by presenting evidence and arguing in court to support their client. As advisors, lawyers counsel their clients