The triad of counties encompassing the Golden Corner of South Carolina, Anderson, Oconee, and Pickens, only have one (1) attorney recognized by Super Lawyers as a Rising Star in 2015- Congratulations Trey Mills.
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What I Learned from a Drunk Juror at the Esso Club in Clemson
The Clemson football team had the NC State game handled by halftime so my wife and friends convinced me that a walk to the Esso on this beautiful afternoon was a good idea. Trying to enjoy the time my wife and I have together with her out of nurse anesthetist school now and no kids…
Millions of Dollars Missing in Anderson, Oconee & Pickens Counties
People throughout Anderson, Oconee, & Pickens Counties are missing their money. In fact, they’re missing millions. For many, it’s a few thousand dollars…but for some, it’s a whole lot more. And many of these victims don’t even realize their own money is gone.
How is this possible? Money that is rightfully theirs—owed to…
If You Are Injured After a Wreck, Dog Bite, Slip & Fall or _______:Seek Medical Attention
It sounds so simple but so many people I interact with from Greenville, Anderson, Oconee, Seneca, Clemson, and the remainder of South Carolina, have a hard time understanding that lawyers are not doctors.
If you are hurt, hurting, in pain, or otherwise not in the same physical, mental, or…