Allegations are rampant that State Farm Insurance Company contributed upwards of $2,400,000.00 to an Illinois Supreme Court Justice’s campaign for election. This happened back in 2004 during one of the most expensive judicial races. Why is this really important, you may be wondering? Ever heard of John Grisham’s book, "The Appeal"? It was a fictional book, right?
Well funny you ask, you see that same Supreme Court Justice failed to withdraw from participating, or recuse himself, in a billion (that’s more than a million) dollar case that was eventually overturned by the Illinois Supreme Court. Or determined that State Farm did not have to pay what a lower court and/or jury had determined they were liable, or responsible, in owing.
Since the Supreme Court justice did not recuse himself, the court did try and determine if there was any bias and it was thought that only $350,000.00 was contributed to the justice’s judicial campaign. It was thought this because that is what State Farm Insurance told the Court.
Apparently, that was not true. An FBI investigation found that number to be somewhere between $2,4000,000.00 and $4,000,000.00. Some people have some explaining to do.
I wonder if this could ever happen in little ol South Carolina? You think corporate insurance companies that make billions of dollars in net profits would ever turn their focus on our state? Why do those presidential nominees come from outside their home state to announce they are running in South Carolina?
It’s those things that make you go hmmmmmm……..
Of course they (insurance companies) are hoping you don’t even give it a thought. Look at that shiny thing over there. You already forgot about this story didnt you?
Illinois court asked to review alleged bias by justice
State Farm Secretly Gave $2.4 Million to Ill. Judge in $1B Case
Petition Claims State Farm Secretly Raised Millions for Ill. Justice Who Voted Its Way in $1B Case