Allegations are rampant that State Farm Insurance Company contributed upwards of $2,400,000.00 to an Illinois Supreme Court Justice’s campaign for election. This happened back in 2004 during one of the most expensive judicial races. Why is this really important, you may be wondering? Ever heard of John Grisham’s book, "The Appeal"? It was
State Farm
What Do You Know About Your Insurance Company?
If 100 people were polled about the the most important aspect of their insurance company, sadly 90 percent would say the cost, or price. Yet, what good is paying insurance premiums if you are never going to be able to have peace of mind in the time you are in need of that insurance coverage?
South Carolina’s Top Three Automobile Insurance Companies
"Trey’s Top Three" continues with this second article to determine the top three insurance companies I believe evaluate and handle their claims in a professional, ethical, and reasonable manner. This analysis is based on my observations, experiences, and interactions over five years working in the trenches against these insurance companies: Direct Insurance, State…
Nationwide Is Not On Your Side: Marketing Jingles are Flashy, Fictional, & Frustrating
I had a client come in today with three young kids all under the age of 10 and all boys. They were tough to contain for her much less for my soon-to-be-married and "kidless" self. As I was informing my client’s mother, who owned the car, on how she had been swindled out of depreciation from State…