They may carry insurance in other states but I can only speak to South Carolina law. A recent State Farm Deer Vehicle Confrontation Report indicated that the month of November was the month most likely to strike a deer. The second and third most active months were, October and December, respectively.
Anyone traveling in the state of South Carolina for any period of time has either directly or indirectly encountered some wild animal that decides at the most in opportune time to cross the road. The driver of the motor vehicle must immediately decide between that cute furry creature or their lives. Many drivers make the choice for the cute furry creature, causing thousands of dollars in property damage and personal injuries.
Like in any instance of survival, there are ways to protect yourself against ignorance, accidents, and PETA like compassion for animals over your own well being and the well being of those passengers in your vehicle. It’s called the right type of automobile insurance.
What covers you when there is no other vehicle, person, or entity to blame? Your own insurance if you were educated on it by your insurance provider or smart enough to educate yourself by reading this blog.
Everyone that can afford cigarettes, tobacco, gas, books or alcoholic beverages can afford the following additional insurance coverage to better protect themselves. Everyone cares about themselves, right?
Comprehensive Coverage: covers damage caused by incidents other than a car accident, including theft, fire, vandalism, weather, falling objects and animal damage.
Personal Injury Protection (PIP) or Medical Payments Coverage: is "no-fault" insurance that covers you and your passengers for any damages sustained while in the operation, maintenance, and/or use of the insured vehicle. If you have PIP coverage it often times covers, or follows, you while in another vehicle. Depending upon the insurance company and contract, you can stack PIP coverage. PIP coverage is awesome and you are not the sharpest tool in the shed if you don’t have it.
Watch out for those furry creatures!